Wilderness Orbs, Slayer, Galactic Shop Changes, Sacrifice, Boss Changes & MORE

4th January, 2025

Time for another update! This one focuses on Wilderness content, some QOL items and upgrades. As well as a massive price reduction in the Galactic Exchange, and a few more changes!

Content Additions

Wilderness Orbs

We've added new Wilderness orbs that can be purchased from the Galactic Exchange. These orbs are always destroyed on death, but provide 50% of the value to the killer. They can only be used inside the Wilderness. Let's go through each Orb.

  • Galactic Token Orb
    • This provides 10% increased galactic tokens in PvP. This is a multiplier, so it stacks with other effects.
  • Drop Rate Orb
    • This increases your drop rate by +1% in the wilderness.
  • Nebula Chance Orb
    • 5% increased chance at nebula orbs, this is also a multiplier and its effects are stacked.
  • Auto Galactic Orb
    • Auto loots Galactic Tokens from PvP, PvM kills and sends them to your open looting bag. This will only work inside the wilderness.
  • Elemental Orb
    • All of the above effects, with slightly higher percentages.
    • This also acts as a drop catcher, you can customize which items to send to your open looting bag.
    • This item can be obtained via the Titan Forge

Note: You cannot stack the same Orb effects. Only one Orb will work per effect. (Example: can't use drop rate orb & bloodnova).

Wilderness Slayer

  • You can now convert your slayer task to a wilderness task by speaking to Wildyer next to Hanto.
  • This will only work for tasks, that are available in the wilderness.
  • Wilderness slayer tasks provide the following benefits:
    • Double Slayer XP
    • 50 Mastery Points on completion
    • 1% Increased drop rate while killing the monster you're assigned to kill.
    • 500-1k Galactic tokens on completion.
  • We're planning on improving wilderness slayer in the future, with unique wilderness unlocks.


On the topic of Slayer. We've removed the learn requirements to defeat monsters inside the Wilderness. You'll still require a slayer level to attack these monsters, but hopefully this makes it so you can jump in to the content a bit faster.


Boss Location Changes

Earthbreaker, bloodchiller and warmonger all drop high tier equipment. It didn't really make sense for them to be freely grindable in the safe zone. So we've moved them to the Wilderness. This also means that they're no longer available in the Boss Instances.

All three are located inside the Cosmic Ranger area, as there's plenty room there. You can find the teleport at Global teleports > Wilderness

  • Significantly increased the drop rate of high tier equipment from these bosses.
  • Added Galactic tokens as a 100% drop.
  • Their superior version will now drop the special always additional hit card at an extremely low rate.

Melee Attack Delay

Generally swords have a higher strength and attack bonuses, so it didn't really make sense for them to be just as fast as a whip when attacking players. So we've adjusted these swords to be 1 tick slower against players.

High-Risk Arena

  • Significantly improved the code around the high-risk arena.
  • It will now be limited to 2 players per room, so there will be no chance for any PJer, or Rusher.

Galactic Shop

  • Significantly reduced the prices of all items inside the Galactic Exchange. This should make the currency a bit more useful, and allow for faster upgrades.
  • Added Wilderness Orbs category.
  • Added Armadyl runes to the Arrows/Runes category.


  • All cards that are available via the Galactic shop can now be sacrificed for half the value listed in the shop.
  • Elemental dust can now be sacrificed for 10 points and 25 galactic tokens.
  • Lowered the item value of elemental dusts, so it will no longer protect over other items. To be safe though, always check the items kept on death screen.

Loot Announcements

  • Hidden loot announcements will no longer hide when in the Wilderness.

Hanto's Shop

  • Lowered the price of Enchanted Bone.

Master Zone

  • Added firelands monsters to the Master Zone.
  • Buffed the base loot of Pinata World Boss


  • Fixed an issue with clicking an object entrance before being frozen, allowing you to teleport away from too far.
  • The above is kind of intended, just not from that far a distance. So now, this will only work if you're 1 tile from the object.

Thank you all for your patience, and hope you enjoy the update!