Card Fragments, Hit 'XP' Drops, Raid Changes, Santa's Reindeer Ends

30th January, 2025

Greetings Nebulans!

I've recently moved and it took a while to get all settled. Hence why there was some inactivity. However was still able to get a bunch of stuff done. We've got some future updates planned such as wilderness expansions, better wilderness slayer and some more stuff. Mostly updates catering towards wilderness (which includes pvm).

For this update we've got some QOL such as hit xp drops, some big raid changes and card fragments from nebula orbs.

Donation deals have been reset, and new ones are now available; with improved packages. You can find them at ::deals

Content Additions

Hit XP Drops

This one took a little while but we've got it done. You can now enable a setting in the settings manager that shows your hits before their processed on target. This will also show even while you're on 200m xp.

Card Fragments

You can now create guaranteed card packs, no RNG involved. The way to make these is by opening nebula orbs (Guaranteed). Depending on the tier you get a respective card fragment. These fragments can then be used to create card packs up to the special tier. Here's a list of orbs, amount and tier of fragments you get:

Orb Type Amount
Nebula Orb (Common) Lesser fragment x1
Nebula Orb (Uncommon) Lesser fragment x3
Nebula Orb (Rare) Normal fragment x2
Nebula Orb (Epic) Normal fragment x5
Nebula Orb (Legendary) Special fragment x1
Nebula Orb (Mythical) Special fragment x5



Nebula was always meant to be a PvP server, having raids didn't really make much sense, since it is completely safe and has the best drops in the game. It kind of defeats the purpose. For the time being we're limiting the amount of raids you can do to the following:

Each raid can now only be completed 3 times per day, per IP. Due to this change however we've significantly increased the drop rates of rares and increased the amount of raid tokens you receive. We hope that this steers you more in the direction of wilderness content. We're still looking to make more improvements regarding this.


  • Reduced the poison damage of bow special attacks.
  • Reduced the DoT effect of flower of dawn.


The Santa's reindeer event has ended. This was mainly a quick event we added. You can expect a more fleshed out event moving forward. The next one will be sometime mid april, which will have lots of content.


  • Fixed an issue with using pre-sets while having lootkey in your inventory, causing one item to dissappear.

Thank you for supporting Nebula, and have fun!