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Massive Sacrifice G. Token Increases, Bloodnova Weaponry, New Daily Events & More
Game Updates
Wilderness Orbs, Slayer, Galactic Shop Changes, Sacrifice, Boss Changes & MORE
Game Updates
Weaponry Changes, Repairables, Coin Removal, Protect Item Special Card
Thank you all for your patience. We've received an extreme amount of feedback and suggestions. We've implemented a bunch but are still sifting through. This update will bring you much needed changes, such as the removal of coins as a currency, buffs to weaponry in terms of attack speed, and additional hits. We've also made a few changes to the bank presets, missions and lots more. Make sure to read carefully as there are a lot of changes!
I'm aware there has been a lot of confusion regarding the main currency. It was always galactic tokens however having coins in the game hasn't really helped, and more so caused confusion. It also had barely any use. So we've removed coins from the game (there may still be stuff that drops a low amount which we'll get to). Galactic tokens are the official and main currency which should be used to trade etc.
What this means; All shops that were previously coin based, are now free to purchase with unlimited quantity.
Weaponry & Speed Delay
- Note: These new effects only work in PvM.
- Increased the attack speed of most custom items. You can find out the attack speed on the tooltip of the item. Generally under 3 is fast and 1 is the fastest.
- We've also added a new effect to certain weaponry.
- Goliath Weaponry
- All have a 50% chance to apply an additional hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Scoria Weaponry
- All have a 35% chance to apply an additional hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Titanite, Nebula, Orthite Weaponry
- All have a 25% chance to apply an additional hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Dark Matter Weaponry
- All have a 15% chance to apply an additional hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Increased the item stats of lower tier weaponry.
- Increased the accuracy of illuminessence slightly.
- Increased the accuracy of Royal maul of Judgement (King's throne weapon)
- Increased the base amount of galactic tokens you earn from PVP.
- This amount can be multiplied via the following ways:
- Mastery rank
- Wilderness hotspot
- Bloodnova orbs
Repairables & Items Kept on Death
- Increased the value of dragon claws, armadyl godsword.
- Lowered the value of (i) rings
- Combat shoulder pets will now be broken on death, and must be repaired again.
Bounty Hunter
- You will no longer be matched with a target while already in a fight with another player.
- Significantly reduced the price of bloodnova orb, and other items in the shop.
Bloodnova Hunter
- Significantly reduced the prices of all items in its shop.
- Added a new special card: Protect Item Card in its shop.
Bank Presets
- You can now save your prayers and spellbook in the bank preset.
- Spawnable items no longer need to be in your bank to spawn your preset.
- Missions will now auto accept all tasks. This goes in to effect in the upcoming daily reset. (00:00)
- It will now display (claimed) if you've claimed the reward from task.
- All missions will now give galactic tokens as a reward (previously coins).
- Increased the amount of galactic tokens you receive from missions.
- Significantly increased the amount of Mastery XP you receive from missions.
Galactic Exchange
- Added Barrows category; Sells barrows pieces for 500 tokens each. (Bolt racks in misc. shop, free to purchase)
- Added Arrows category; Sells dark matter, scoria and toxic bolts for 100 tokens per 100 arrows.
- Lowered the price of tab teleport to 100 tokens each.
- Lowered the prices of accessory sigils.
- On slayer task completion you will now gain galactic tokens. Higher tier masters give more galactic tokens.
- You can now purchase slayer helmet materials with galactic tokens. Speak to any master, and ask them about slayer helmets.
- You will no longer receive coins from slayer tasks.
- The "Special Drops" ability will now give galactic tokens instead of coins.
- Significantly lowered the slayer point cost of slayer monster unlocks.
World Bosses
- Added polychrome death battle pet to Elderwood Hecarim drop table.
- Added Protect Item Special card to the elderwood hecarim drop table.
- Added polychrome queen battle pet to Khaashee dragon drop table.
- Added polychrome bunnies battle pet to the Giant Orc drop table.
- Increased the drop rate of rare rewards for all world bosses.
- You will now gain galactic tokens per completion.
- This amount can be increased via raid invocations. (Raid levels)
- Lowered the requirement to start raiding, to 1 easy and 1 medium achievement.
Mystery Boxes
- Removed coins from all mystery boxes, and replaced it with galactic tokens.
- Removed beginner cards from all packs, and replaced with galactic tokens.
- Will now give a small amount of galactic tokens on medium+ achievements.
Skill Tasks
- Will now give a small amount of galactic tokens on completion.
Well of Goodwill
- Will now only accept galactic tokens.
Auto Alchemizer
- Due to coins no longer being relevant in the game, we've removed the auto alchemizer.
- If you weren't aware, this alchs a dropped item and gives 1.25x the value. We may bring this back, but instead give galactic tokens.
Safe Cracking & Drop Catcher
- Safe boxes will now give drop catcher pieces. You'll need a total of 4 pieces to create your own drop catcher.
- Drop catcher picks up and banks items from monsters, bosses, chests and more in safe zones.
- Increased the galactic tokens earned from safe cracking.
Dravonic Demon & Abyssal Horrors
- Will now only do one attack.
- Added ::ks - it will let you know your current killstreak and highest in public chat.
Content Additions
Protect Item Special Card
- Added a new special card:
- Protect one additional item on wilderness death.
- Items kept on death interface will reflect this.
- Obtainable:
- Hecarim World Boss
- Normal, Special Card Pack
We skipped the Christmas event due to the release, and we didn't want to disrupt gameplay. For the players wondering, you can expect seasonal events from this point forward. However we've added a very small event for christmas.
- Low chance on monster kill to receive either 30 minutes of extra XP or Drop rate
- Fixed an issue with world bosses attacking you from narnia.
- Fixed an issue with being able to trade while in combat.
That is it for this update log, thank you all for your support and feedback! There's more to come :)