Instance Improvements, Event Fail-safe Tickets & More

30th December, 2024

Hey, time for another update. A quick PSA regarding the prayers issue - we've made some improvements and it has a high likelihood of being fixed. We're recommending you record your fights if it still happens, in order to get a refund.

Regarding equipment sets and bonuses. We'll soon be revamping sets and tiers so that it is less confusing for the player.

Event Fail-Safe

You can now obtain guaranteed fail-safe tickets via PvP Missions. You collect a total of x84 parts of a ticket, and combine it in to an event fail-safe. You may combine x2 event fail-safes for x1 superior. These fail-safes act exactly the same as the regular ones, however are not tradeable.

Note: These event parts will come on the next daily reset. And will not be available today.



  • Improved the instances system, no longer causing it to be destroyed, or sent to the void.
  • Boss instances will no longer be destroyed when leaving, logging out or when you die.
  • You can now return to your instance, simply speak to the pvm instances npc.

Wilderness Monsters

  • Lowered the quantity of galactic tokens from monsters. (not bosses)

Kept On Death

  • Added most trinkets to the auto-kept on death list. See tooltip or interface whether its kept.

Master Zone

  • Removed dark matter and ebonchill monsters from the master zone. However they're still in the Eternal zone.

Low Tier Back Items

  • Adjusted the stats of these items.
  • Deep rock cape > Ranger wings
  • Magma cape > Meleer wings
  • Celestial cape > Mager wings
  • Note: If an item has the same strength bonus, it doesn't mean its not better. Refer to attack bonuses.

Battle Pet Plates

  • Godwar swords can now be broken down in to godwar plates.


  • Added goliath glove tiers.
  • Added lower tier capes and wings.
  • Adjusted the point and token value of polychrome pets.
  • Tip: Examine an item to see if its sacrificeable, and how much you receive for it.


  • Added 2 more event spawns at 2:45 am and 5:45 am.

Nebula Orbs

  • Increased the drop rate of common and uncommon orbs.

Santa's Reindeer

  • Will now drop loot on the ground.

Multi-Boss Respawn Timers

  • Lowered respawn timer of most multi-bosses.
  • Lowered respawn timer of Sunfreet.


  • Fixed an issue with picking up items while being frozen, making you able to move while frozen.

Credit Shop

  • Reduced the prices of bottomless potions and the enchants.
  • Added bloodnova key to the credit shop